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Cookie Policy

The website uses cookies and similar technologies to ensure the proper functioning of the procedures and to improve the experience of using online applications. This document provides detailed information on the use of cookies and similar technologies, on how they are used by and how to manage them.

Cookies are short fragments of text (letters and / or numbers) that allow the web server to store on the client (the browser) information to be reused during the same visit to the site (session cookies) or later, even after days (persistent cookies). Cookies are stored, according to user preferences, by the single browser on the specific device used (computer, tablet, smartphone).
Similar technologies, such as, for example, web beacons, transparent GIFs and all forms of local storage introduced with HTML5, can be used to gather information on user behavior and use of services.
Later in this document we will refer to cookies and all similar technologies simply by using the term "cookies".

Types of cookies
Based on the characteristics and use of cookies we can distinguish different categories:

- strictly necessary cookies. These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the site and are used to manage the login and access to the reserved functions of the site. The duration of cookies is strictly limited to the work session (closed the browser are deleted). Their deactivation compromises the use of services if accessible by login.

- Analysis and performance cookies. These cookies are used to collect and analyze the traffic and use of the site anonymously. These cookies, even without identifying the user, allow, for example, to detect if the same user returns to connect at different times. They also allow you to monitor the system and improve its performance and usability. The deactivation of these cookies can be performed without any loss of functionality.

- Profiling cookies. These are permanent cookies used to identify (anonymously or not) user preferences and improve their browsing experience. The site does not use cookies of this type.

Third-party cookies
By visiting a website you can receive cookies both from the visited site ("owners"), and from sites managed by other organizations ("third parties"). A notable example is the presence of "social plugins" for Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn. These are parts of the page visited generated directly by the aforementioned sites and integrated into the page of the host site. The most common use of social plugins is aimed at sharing content on social networks.
The presence of these plugins involves the transmission of cookies to and from all the sites managed by third parties. The management of information collected by "third parties" is governed by the relevant information to which reference is made.

Google Analytics
The site also includes certain components transmitted by Google Analytics, a web traffic analysis service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Also in this case these are third-party cookies collected and managed anonymously to monitor and improve the performance of the host site (performance cookies).
Google Analytics uses "cookies" to collect and analyze anonymously the information on the use behavior of the websites (including the user's IP address). This information is collected by Google Analytics, which processes it in order to draw up reports for the operators of regarding the activities on the websites themselves. This site does not use (and does not allow third parties to use) the Google analysis tool to monitor or collect personal identification information. Google does not associate the IP address with any other data held by Google nor does it attempt to link an IP address with the identity of a user. Google may also communicate this information to third parties where required by law or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf.
For more information, please refer to the link below:
The user can selectively disable the action of Google Analytics by installing on his browser the opt-out component provided by Google. To disable the action of Google Analytics, please refer to the link below:

Duration of cookies
Some cookies (session cookies) remain active only until the browser is closed or when the logout command is executed. Other cookies "survive" when the browser is closed and are also available in subsequent visits by the user.
These cookies are called persistent and their duration is set by the server when they are created. In some cases a deadline is set, in other cases the duration is unlimited. does not use persistent cookies.
However, browsing the pages linked to, you can interact with sites managed by third parties that can create or modify persistent cookies and profiling (such as accessing the links to TripAdvisor).

Cookies management
The user can decide whether or not to accept cookies using the settings of his browser.
Attention: the total or partial disabling of technical cookies can compromise the use of the site features reserved for registered users. On the contrary, the usability of public content is also possible by completely disabling cookies.
The disabling of "third-party" cookies does not affect the navigability in any way.
The setting can be defined specifically for different websites and web applications. In addition, the best browsers allow you to define different settings for cookies "owners" and those of "third parties".
As an example, in Firefox, through the menu Tools-> Options -> Privacy, you can access a control panel where you can define whether or not to accept the different types of cookies and proceed with their removal.
Internet Explorer:

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